Thursday, July 26, 2007


I'm what i call a part time patient person. This isn't exactly a new revelation to those who know me, especially my wife, but I have noticed that in some situations I have the ability to just roll with the circumstances, and othertimes i get all heated and puffed up and indignant and a whole range of qualities that characterize my impatience or frustration with those circumstances. Even today, this morning, i got the crockpot out to cook Jen and I's dinner, it's a new recipe of Pasta Fagioli soup. As i was putting the different veggies and spices in there, and then when i set the crockpot on low for 8 hours, i wanted to eat it right then and there, mostly because I LOVE that style of soup and i wanted it NOW. Why is that ? Why can i be so patient in some instances, and then other times i literally want to scream because i'm so irritated or frustrated ?

Yesterday Jen got a call from a good friend of hers. I was in the other room and i could overhear some of what my wife was saying, which was centering around, at that particular junction, about why God has brought us to Lynchburg and why we made the choices that we did to come here. As i listened to her talk about how coming here has opened new doors for us potentially in terms of what we are going to do after we graduate from Liberty, i found myself getting quite impatient that i had to deal with all this homework from my summer school courses and that i had another year of being a full time student before i could even think about pursuing the next step in Jen and I's life.

I know that the Bible says to give thanks in ALL circumstances, but yet again i find my impatient side trying to rear it's ugly head. I am thankful that i have the opportunity to finish my education here for free and I am thankful for everything that Jen and I have, but yet, oftentimes i find myself dreaming of wanting to work for a basketball team somewhere, or becoming a professional journalist, or being on the mission field. Why is it so hard to be patient when i know that's what i need to be doing ? I think the answer lies in paying attention to what Jen and I are doing right now. If we don't focus on the schoolwork and building our marriage with the time we have now, when else are we gonna do it ? I see it so clearly that there is still some preparation to go through, i just gotta trust the Lord to help me stay patient and focused on the preparation He's taking us through. It won't be easy, but it's the right thing to do.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Good thoughts sweetie. Once again, I think its great that are recognizing your weeknesses and the sides of you that cause problems.