Thursday, July 19, 2007

A place for my other thoughts

Seeing my wife Jennifer setting up her own blog on this new website, i thought to myself about making one of my own apart from the Facebook one that i do. Thinking about this blog, i think, like my wife, that i'm going to use this blog from the standpoint of processing different things that are happenning in my life currently, stuff that usually i don't put on my Facebook page, where i usually do stuff centered around articles that i read and maybe a Bible devotional or two.
I don't really have to introduce myself because for those who will be reading this blog, ya'll know me already. To give some insight into why I titled my blog, Complicated and Passionate, i have to give credit for the inspiration to my wife. Seeing Jennifer's blog and how she's using it as a place to kinda process different emotions and things that she is experiencing and feeling in her life, i'm reminded that i really don't do that on a regular basis. Herein lies the title, Complicated and Passionate. For those who know me, you know that i am a very driven person. I have a tendency to try and narrow my focus in life on a few very important things and i usually put ALOT of energy into those things. Whether it be my marriage or schoolwork or working at the Men's Basketball Office, i'm known as a grinder, the type of guy who puts his nose to the grindstone and gets the job done, no matter what. Even in my marriage, looking at Jen's post from her previous blog, i know that she is hoping to have some relaxation time this weekend, while I on the other hand, already am thinking about the multiple loads of laundry that has to be done, and the grocery shopping and the homework that needs to be finished. I'm not sharing that to be critical of Jen, oh no, not at all, but rather to serve as an illustration of why i think i am complicated and passionate.

I think that's enough for now, i have a tendency to really ramble quite a bit when i actually take the time to examine my thoughts, i think that's why i thank God that blogs are around, simply because they give me a forum to express all the different stuff going on in my head and in my life. I hope you enjoy this, i know i'm looking forward to what's gonna come from this.

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