Thursday, August 23, 2007

I do not manage stress well sometimes....

Yesterday was without a doubt one of the worst days i've ever had in terms of managing the stress that came my way. I had three different issues that came up in regards to a couple of my classes, things that really irked my nerves a great deal. Luckily I had some good things happen as well that made things a little easier to bear, but overall, Jen will tell you, I was a little "attitudy" as i like to call it.

I know that it was the wrong thing to do and I know that I was a little short or irritated in my tone of voice towards a couple of people yesterday. Even though I knew that it was the wrong thing to do, I found myself having one of those days and so, in my flesh, I just had some attitude and was rough around the edges. This morning i've been doing homework for a solid couple hours before my first class today and I got to thinking about Paul from the Bible. I'm nursing my way through Romans right now and today I had one of those thoughts that came across the mental radar that I just know came from God. All morning, even though I've been getting homework done, all I could think about was Paul, being in jail as he wrote these words in Romans Chapter 1 vs 9-10-"For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I mention you, always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God's will I may now at last succeed in coming to you." For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you."

That thought that I told you about that was going through my head this morning ? Here it is, "Why I am complaining about a couple things that happenned in class, when Paul was IN JAIL and all he could think about was getting out of jail to be with his fellow Christians and give to them ?" I look at Paul's example of unselfishness and I just see my weakness in big, bold glaring neon lights. I thank my Lord for revealing that it's not about me all the time, as much as I like to think it is.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Its great to hear what God is showing you through all these challenging times.. and I posted my recent blog before I read yours.. how funny. Love ya.